Products We've got stuff, I mean a lot of it. Regularly 50-60 cages to choose from, manufactured by Kings Cages, A&E, HQ, and Prevue Pet. They're assembled and ready to go, no need to order one, wait for it to show up, hope it's the proper cage, hope it's not damaged, and then have to put it together, properly. You can walk in and out with a new cage, ready to go. A dozen or more playpens and free standing T stands. A huge toy wall and racks of toys that get replenished about every four to six weeks or so by Pet Terrific, Super Bird, Caitec, Kings... Diets by, ZuPreem, KayTee, Sun Seed, Lafeber, Harrison's, Roudybush, Pretty Bird, Higgins, and Caitec. New inventory arrives weekly. Many of these products will be cheaper to buy from us than directly from the manufacturer as well, as we buy in bulk. If there is something that you think we should carry, let us know. Many things you may find on the internet that appear to be of good quality or price, may not be when it arrives. There are many products that we won't carry due to poor quality/workmanship or the company won't stand behind their products, cages especially. If you don't see something, just ask, it may be here or there may be a reason it's not.
Shipping: If there's something you need and you know we have it, we can ship it to you. We ship about four days a week via the US Post Office Priority Mail, you'll usually have it in two days. Call us instead of Amazon, 585.288.4457. Shipping birds can be done but we prefer not to, but if you're a distance away it can be done.
DoorDash: If you don't feel like going out in the crappy winter weather, let someone else do it for you. We offer DoorDash. Go to and look for Birds Unlimited, order, and they'll deliver, easy peazy. Boarding: You want to go on vacation, need to go away on business, need to get the birds out of the house while the floors are being refinished? We can help. Sort of a bed and breakfast thing. They'll get their cage cleaned thoroughly everyday, fed twice a day, and checked on throughout the day. Space is limited and we regularly get totally booked for holidays and school breaks, so plan ahead if you think you may need us. You'll need to bring the birds cage, a smaller one works well for short visits, the cage cover if you want it covered, and if "Buddy" needs cocktail weinies at 2 o'clock, bring 'em, but we'll supply the food and treats. All birds will require a negative psittacosis test prior to boarding, this is for the safety of your bird as well as others. We have night lights, a security system, smoke detectors, and I'm here every day, Sundays and holidays included. So while you're basking in the sun or opening Christmas presents out of town I'll be here watching your pet.
Keep in mind that I've dealt with large birds for more than 45 years, boarded birds for nearly 30. We have more experience than anywhere in town.Peace of mind while you're away, we got you covered.
Grooming: We do a lot of it. We can trim feathers, clip toenails, and even trim and shape a beak if it needs it. The cost depends on the size of bird. We groom by appointment only, usually Saturdays, but we try and get one week night available as well. Don't trust someone with your bird who is not familiar with clipping wings, we do thousands a year. Plan accordingly as we are regularly booked 2-4 weeks in advance, call ahead, 288.4457.
Sexing: Don't know whether you have a Charlie or a Charlene? We can help you with that too. It usually takes about a week to get the results. You'll need an appointment, cost is 35.00.
Knowledgeable staff: The staff has passed courses from The American Federation of Aviculture. I have 45+ years of experience with handling, breeding and behavior with large parrots. I've traveled, lectured and written extensively about birds, including TV and radio. No one around Rochester comes close.