Birds Unlimited

Lost your bird? Maybe you found someone elses? We'll post it for free for you.

Lost & Found

 C'mon  people...trim 'em, let's not have any birds posted as lost, trim those wings. Even with trimmed wings birds fly too well, if you feel you need to take your bird outside keep it in a cage, otherwise it's an accident waiting to happen.

Some of the lost birds have had clipped wings but outside they caught some wind and they were gone. If you think your bird likes you so much that it won't fly away or that it will come back to you if it does fly off, you're kidding yourself. If you feel you must take your bird outside, keep it in a cage.  If the bird hasn't flown off you yet... it will. Most of the above lost birds were birds that people thought would never fly away and they took them outside only to have something spook them and off they went. The chance of you seeing your bird again is about 10% if it flies off.

The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle will post found ads for three days at no cost as well.

Trim your birds wings so they won't show up on this page.